Go Noodle Sanity Savers!

Elizabeth of Kickin' it in Kindergarten is having a fun linky & giveaway on her blog!
I'm joining in since my kids LOVE GoNoodle!

Go Noodle is a part of our everyday routine.
After the kids have morning snack we do 1 GoNoodle dance and the special helper of the day gets to pick the dance.

Here is our current champ, Zapp von Doubler!


This one is the kids favourite by far!

Roller Coaster

Here are some other popular ones:

Dino Stomp

Disco Brain

The lunch supervisor uses it for indoor recess as well!
We were indoors all week this week (-30 with the windchill on Wednesday!) so GoNoodle was great to let them move around before the afternoon started!


My bed for sure.
I could stay in my bed all.day.long!


I tell myself that I'm going to stop watching "The Bachelor" before every season starts but somehow I get sucked in anyway :P Chris has some gorgeous girls on his season! My routine of mass laminating on Monday mornings will begin again so that I can do the cutting while I watch on Monday nights!

Also Kristen at A Teeny Tiny Teacher does a hilarious recap of The Bachelor every Tuesday.  You should check it out even if you don't watch The Bachelor. I'm a long time fan!

Here is the link from the premier recap


I have sooo many things I need to make for my classroom.
I need to buckle down and finish a few things rather than having 10 things on the go at the same time so I can share them here or on TpT! Here is to hoping that I at least get one thing finished this weekend!

Click on the image below to head over to Elizabeth's blog and check out the linky!


  1. My kids LOVE roller coaster. Why deny yourself the Bachelor when it is so good. Someone just said that Andi and Josh broke up and sure enough...I just went to people.com and they DID! NOOOO!!!
    Anyways, thanks for linking up and glad we got to talk about that :)

    1. Hi Elizabeth! I know but it's 2 hours long, past my bedtime and my boyfriend HATES the show! I haven't been able to watch any of it real time yet though this year.. And I saw that Andi and Josh broke up too! I was never an Andi fan though.. so I'm not too heart broken ;) I was sad when Emily and Jef broke up though! I loved Jef with one f! haha Anyways thanks for stopping by and letting me chat about The Bachelor!
